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John&Diane Wesley
  • Spokane, WA
  • United States
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Comment Wall (3 comments)

At 2:11pm on April 28, 2010, Bill Williams said…
Hi John,
A teacher will be leaving some questions about Discovery for you later today. Please respond as you can.
At 5:34pm on April 29, 2010, Andrew Slater said…
Hello. Bill Williams mentioned I would be contacting you. Thank you for taking my questions. In the student guide on page 9 under the Religious Freedom Colony bullet point 3 mentions to 'Record the amount of your loan on the Colonial Labor and Wealth Tally.'
I don't see where to put the loan. Is there a specific place or do I just keep track of the loan in the margin? Also, pn page 9 there is mention of extra units during teh 7th and 15th rounds. Is there a special place to record that or do I just have to remember when the time comes and have the students add those units in? Are th fate cards recycled or once picked remain in a discard pile? What if the colony doesn't have enough food? Do they lose however many people couldn't be fed? Is there any significance to the numbers on the fate cards other than they represent the number of copies of each to make? Do I mix them up or are they chosen in the order of the number on the card?
Thanks again.

Sincerely, Andrew Slater
At 12:08pm on March 23, 2011, Cindy Moore said…

Mr. Wesley,

I am teaching my fourth grade gifted students from the Interact "Discovery" Unit. I am having difficulty understanding some of the directions and procedures. I am having to adapt and modify because my students are pulled in small groups. So any suggestions would be helpful. We made it through loading the ship, sailing, and landing in the New World (although I'm not sure I did it correctly). We are now landed but for the life of me I can't figure out what to do next. I have read and reread the directions and can't seem to get it. How do you fill out the Daily Labor and Wealth Chart? I wish there was an example in the book. All but one of of my groups ran out of food so I had to let them go back and change stuff so the game wouldn't be over. Any help would be appreciated.

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